LightMachine is a useful plug-in that you can easily add to your favorite graphic editor. It will allow you to professionally enhance and customize the brightness, contrast, and shadow levels of your digital images. Colors can also be easily changed and manipulated, and any of the pro-looking results provided can be applied only to selected areas of the image. It will work with all the best-known graphic editors, such as Corel PhotoPaint, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, or Macromedia Freehand.
LightMachine is a wise combination of fully professional functionality and a large selection of pre-set settings. Thus, you will be able to fine-tune your images using either the basic or the Pro mode of any of its filters (Brightness and Contrast, Shadows and Highlights, Virtual Studio, and Colors), or directly select and apply any of its nearly fifty presets. With these, you can instantly replace colors, correct shadow and lightness imperfections, add effects and selective glows, and enhance your black and white shots with different tone adjustments. Besides, you can easily enlarge your collection of presets by creating and adding your own combinations of settings.
Both the basic and the Pro modes are designed to let you freely apply adjustments in the lights, shadows, and colors of your photographs to the level that better fits your taste and needs, and combine different solutions without compromising the original image, as any change can be easily cancelled and undone. more